

・A chill drop-in/drop-out roleplay community based around the series "Dragonriders of Pern." ・A plot-heavy story line. ・Dice rolling for eggs and clutches for a variety of outcomes. ・A variety of Leadership Positions Available. ・Adoptable dragons and Wher

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Website Genre
Role Play
Date Founded
Feb 21, 2017
Website Information
When the 9th Pass came around, everything happened as we'd remember it, but the Red Star was not one to be tamed. No, it did not work out as they had planned, and all they did was make Pern's Orbit shift ever so slightly, but enough to cause a disruption in Thread Fall patterns.

Soon when Thread stopped and the interval became a long one. Long enough in fact that some doubted the Fall of Thread again. Weyrs started to dwindle in numbers when an illness started to affect the dragon's abilities to connect to their riders. Many hatchlings betweened because of this. Most weyrs could barely hold onto one gold dragon, and only a few could host Two.

Yet High Reaches thankfully had been able to host three golds and many were thinking it was a sign of Thread's return. The Red Star was aligning with the stones once more. Then a keen rang through Pern as Ista's Queen betweened. Someone had murdered her rider. Some even think it was pirates as there had been a gather at one of the Sea Holds.

The second-eldest gold of High Reaches was due to rise, and so she transferred to Ista. Hopefully they can uncover why the old Queen was murdered and bring her to justice...

OOC Info
We are rebuilding the old site but are welcoming new and returning players as we Open again! We are looking to fill ranks and are also seeking staff members to help us keep plots moving and "DND" styled events going! We are an LGBTQ+ friendly site with no sexuality or gender based impressions, with heavy plots with rewards! Come join the fun!

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