XenForo 2.2.0+
This addon was developer by XenMax. This addon lets users can logout all devices with new features and options for users to have a choice.
Key feature:

Copyright © 2017-2022 NICK97. This item is not authorized for posting on and others web sites except under the xenforo account named NICK97
Other add-ons we offer:
XenForo 2.2.0+
This addon was developer by XenMax. This addon lets users can logout all devices with new features and options for users to have a choice.
Key feature:
- Ability to logout device more then one of the time or all
- Ability to set default logout option in users preferences
- Ability to logout other users from ACP
- User group permission to use add-on feature
- Support with XenForo 2.2 or newer!

Copyright © 2017-2022 NICK97. This item is not authorized for posting on and others web sites except under the xenforo account named NICK97
Other add-ons we offer: