Are you using CloudFlare for your website?


Familiar Face
Mar 5, 2024
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I am so curious about this website supporting CloudFlare. For those who have a website like this forum site, I am so sure the site owner supported the site with CloudFlare. To be honest, I lack sufficient information about this web hosting. There is a ptp site that has been closed until now and when I read the cause of its invisibility, I learned that the site owner might have failed to renew the web hosting and saw there Cloud Flare is required for web protection.
I use CF for both my domain registrar, DNS provider, and caching solution. The actual hosting is elsewhere though.
I don't have a website but I noticed to most forum sites that I visit I have seen redirection to CF for verification if I am an AI or a humanoid. Lol
I use cloudfare on my forum as well. It’s great for spam protection and has stopped 95% of spammers from joining my forum. I used to have a lot of problems with spammers prior to using to cloudfare’s spam protection.
I use Cloudflare for all of my sites, my domains and so on. I host elsewhere, but the benefits of CF are worth it.
I use Cloudflare for all of my sites, my domains and so on. I host elsewhere, but the benefits of CF are worth it.
Yea, CF is just my domain registrar and DNS provider, with the antispam/bot features. All on the free plan. My host is elsewhere on shared hosting right now, until the activity is enough to warrant a VPS.
Yea, CF is just my domain registrar and DNS provider, with the antispam/bot features. All on the free plan. My host is elsewhere on shared hosting right now, until the activity is enough to warrant a VPS.
I also use their caching system along with their firewall. They both come in handy.😏
I use Cloudflare for domain hosting and DNS services, and Turnstyle for captcha.

No dynamic content website should use Rocket Loader though.

And if you use Warp, you may get login problems in your ACP.
It could possibly work for other forum software though.
So far not really, it stops from people able to sign in and or logg in XD
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