Be a friend!

This may seem quite a simple Promotion Trick to many people although it works! When someone joins a forum it is nice to have some buddies on your side to talk. It keeps them on the site! If the Staff are friendly and can easily start a fun conversation, I'd continue to visit every once in a while! That is why I love Forum Promotion; I get to meet some of the most fun Forum Owners and Administrators that have ever been heard of! 😀
When someone new comes into my forum, I make a huge deal of it. I post a huge welcome sign, 50 or so dancing blinkies, a very busy and colorful post just for them.

The other trick I found to keep someone talking once they are there is to end almost every post to them with a question. For example, if I was responding to Carsonk's post above, I would end my response with the question, " So Carsonk, who was the funniest Administrator you've met?" this makes him respond with a funny story, entertaining the other members, and involving him in a personal conversation.
I've seen this done before. I joined a friend's forum just for support and before I had a chance to introduce myself, there was already a welcoming post. But the catch is when you have an admin who's busier than a potential member. I mean what if the member either has no job or is able to spend a lot of time online yet the admin is only able to log in at night or periodically during the day?
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