Blog Spammers?


Madly Diligent
Nov 28, 2009
Reaction score

Does your blog get spammers well when askiment gets it and marks it as spam you should edit the message with a message relating to the post so then you can accept them! This is not a solution for small blogs who have a lot of spam as that would make most of the comments fake. But a small blog with a little bit of spam then use it!

You probably shouldn't do that. Akismet uses several blog spam marking techniques, including IP, so basically, you are accepting the spammer's IP address and so any future comments under that IP or similarity will be accepted. It may backfire.
I just set my blogs to where I have to moderate each comment for spam, and askimet does a pretty good job at marking spam and moving is to the spam folder for me in WordPress.

I also heard having a captcha code plugin helps for reducing spam, but you end up making your readers less likely to comment.
I prefer to manually reject the post from being publicly seen. Once you do this, they can't post again. (If you use Wordpress).
If you manually reject a double post because a commenter posted twice, could they still post if you reject one post, but accept the other to prevent duplicate comments?
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