[COMPLETED]Fanfiction Awards


New Arrival
Oct 19, 2007
Reaction score
Site Name; Fanfiction Awards
Site URL; http://fanficawards.proboards83.com/
Description; Fanfiction Awards is a fanfic awards board for fanfic.

The following Fandoms are active and ready for fanfiction submissions: Angel: The Series, Battlestar Gallactica: 2003, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Doctor Who, Firefly/Serenity, Gilmore Girls, Grey's Anatomy, Hercules/Xena, Heroes, Mutant X, Pitch Black/Riddick, Roswell, Titanic and Torchwood.

Fandoms that will soon be added: Anita Blake, Bionic Woman, Eureka, Everworld, Farscape, Ghost Whisperer, Harry Potter Series, House, M.D., The Pirates of the Caribbean Series, Private Practice, Stargate; Atlantis, Stargate; SG-1 and Supernatural.

If you don't see the fandom of your liking listed above, it could be in the process of being voted for or you could simply nominate it!

Your Name on the Board; Gabrielle Channing
Re: Fanfiction Awards

Number of Members: 9/10 - 181 is really really good for the time you have been open. Well done -happy-

Number of Active Members: 5/10 - Hard to rate as i can't see the member list but I can see no where near 181 members that have posted and that are posting regularly.

Number of Posts (spam or otherwise): 8/10- Not a bad post count although for the number of members i would have thought you would have had more.

Appearance (first impressions): 6/10 - Very pink/purple and really not to my liking and probably off putting to any male people who visit. Other then that your have a great logo and fits in well with the skin and it look really good.

Layout: 6/10 - I would suggest putting the suggestions forum and the important info one in a category at the top as they seem to get lost on the other forum abit.

Moderation: I won't rate this as it is hard for me to see how man mods and admins you have without signing up.

Activity: 7.5/10 - Seems quite active at the moment. Keep promoting -😉-

Overall mark (out of 100): 70/100 - I don't really like the skin but other then that seems quite active for a quite new forum. Good luck with your forum -🙂-
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