
DiscussBB - Beyond the Crowd

DiscussBB is a newer general discussion forum that was founded on June 1st of this year...a little over a week old.


The Priest
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
This thread is for the general discussion of the Item Crowd Topics. Please add to the discussion here.
Thanks for sharing this with us. Best of luck with your forum.

steve irwin thumbs up GIF
Very upset at this point. Lost all the data and everything for Crowd's been down for a few days. Hosting provider hasn't contacted back yet about fixing any of the problems yet.
Dang I'm sorry to hear this. Who's your hosting provider @Phillip? With it being the day after Thanksgiving, you might not get a response back until Monday... If you use hosting in the USA.
Sorry to hear about that. I don’t suppose you have a back up?
It came up to being with provider...but they didn't have the data for mine...couldn't recover it or anything
If I start it up again. It will be better, hopefully. 🙁
Working on getting this back up today...installing XF 2.3.4 right now.
The item DiscussBB has been updated:

Branded from Crowd Topics to DiscussBB.
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