Forum Chat


Jun 20, 2009
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Site Name: Forum Chat
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Description: forum chat is a great place to make new friends or even advertise your own site. We are a friendly community and have a special area for administrators on other sites. There's always something to talk about on Forum Chat.
Your Name on the Board: Crash-cheetah
Looks good, thanks!
Very nice looking forum. I like the design.
Santa Cmt said:
Very nice looking forum. I like the design.
Thank you. Designed it my self. I got the colors off of a purell bottle that was on my desk (strange I know)
spork985 said:
Looks good, thanks!
I'll probably be back in a few days, this is final exam week and I don't have a lot of time lol.
spork985 said:
spork985 said:
Looks good, thanks!
I'll probably be back in a few days, this is final exam week and I don't have a lot of time lol.
That's fine. My sisters mad because she has to do hers later in the week. She was supposed to do them today, but it was a snow day.
Holiday Drawing:
On New years day I will do a drawing. The prize is 100 Extra posts added to your post count and an invitation to join the VIP club. If your already in the VIP club than you will receive an additional 50 posts.

Reward: 100 Extra Posts and invitation for the VIP club (or 50 extra posts)
How to enter: If you are on the Top Ten Posters of the day on any day at 10:00 pm Eastern time your user-name will be put into the drawing. New years day I will announce the winner.

If you are found spamming than all of your entry's will be pulled.

I will be drawing the winner the old way. I will have all of the entry's written on paper and thrown into a basket. My sister will pull the winner from the basket and I will announce the winner.

If you guys have any questions please let me know. I am starting today so just try to get your user-name on the top ten posters on the day. There is no perks to being higher on the list, and my user-name will not be placed in the drawing at all.

- Forum Chat Staff
Your forum looks great! The skin/style is kind of bland, it blinds me 😛 , and you don't really have many categories. Its kind of just a general forum like a lot of others, but it looks like yours is doing good!
Mr. Money said:
Your forum looks great! The skin/style is kind of bland, it blinds me 😛 , and you don't really have many categories. Its kind of just a general forum like a lot of others, but it looks like yours is doing good!
Many forums are currently hidden from guests. What suggestions do you have for the skin? Darken? Lighten? More or less for graphics?
I would suggest a bit of a darker skin, but thats just in my eyes. Some people prefer dark then to light. But I think if you darken it just a tad, it would be better 🙂 also your banner is kind of simple. Maybe a more catchy banner?
Mr. Money said:
I would suggest a bit of a darker skin, but thats just in my eyes. Some people prefer dark then to light. But I think if you darken it just a tad, it would be better 🙂 also your banner is kind of simple. Maybe a more catchy banner?
Alright. I'll work on making it a little darker. Maybe a gray instead of white? The banner I don't really plan on editing to much. It's 10x better than my last banner (Just text). I might mess around with the banner tomorrow. Give me about 5 minutes to edit the white.
Alright. I Darkened it, but still kept it somewhat light. A few area's were kept white until edits to the graphics could be done. Is that any better?
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