She hasn't felt the best today. She's been sleepy. She's almost 2 now and sassy, advanced for her age, and a handful.
Her baby doll and blueyAw, 2 is such a fun age!! What's her favorite toy?
Donald Trump & Elon Musk 😛 I would go over financials and take advice to further my goal of financial freedom.If you could spend the day with a famous person ( past or present ) who would it be and why?
Working, unfortunately.What are your plans for the weekend?
I already have every other weekend off, and if I were to move to a detective position, I would have every weekend off. I currently enjoy the position I am in, so I don't think I will be moving or leaving. 😛would you ever change careers for a job that lets you have weekends off?
I currently live in a studio apartment-like house. We transformed a garage into a studio (a 2-story garage). We sold our home in 2017. What I don't like right now is how small of a space it is plus having a kid. We are currently saving to buy a house outright with cash.What do you like and dislike about your home?
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