New Things Happening at Sports Wrestling Community!! Come Check us out.

SWC will resume the merge with @Nomad forum tomorrow and hopefuly finished before the end of the month.

Edit: The database was uploaded to my Server and now the merge can begin.

That's exciting news! Hope it's smooth going.
Exciting News. SWC is Moving to XF and will be up tomorrow or Tuesday.
SWC: Sports Wrestling Community is one of the fastest growing online communities on the World Wide Web. Advertise with us and reach a wider audience. We are offering header, footer and side bar ads.
That was a great improvement! I visited the site the other time and I found it on Xenforo already. Great work!
Thank You very much i really appreciate. @Nomad and i worked very hard to bring the merge together and site up on XF. We hope u are here to stay
SWC now has a Chatbox, Dark theme, Credit System and SWC Shop. Since we have integrated with Dragonbyte credits, users can buy credits from me and then use those credits to make purchase. I will set option for buying SWC cash tomorrow As of now we will have to do manually, when someone buys, I will have to order for the product and send to buyers shipping address. We also need to create fields to add physical address. I will do it tomorrow. We now have 3 items

SWC Tshirt
SWC Coffee Mug
SWC Hoody.

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Active members today19
New members today0
New threads today10
New posts today121

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  • Hoodie.webp
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SWC has reached 2000 Threads and over 8000 Posts. We turn 2 months on January 6

Join SWC @https://www.Link Removed by Staff/

SWC has hired @The Elf on the Shelf as our new Community Manager. Welcome to the team
SURPRISE! MERGE UNDERWAY SWC is merging with Social Hideouts and taking over Socail Hideouts. Another Win for Sports Wrestling Community.!!!!
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