'Outside the Box' Forum Reveiw


Feb 1, 2011
Reaction score
Name of Forum: Outside the Box
Forum Link: http://outsidethebox.board-directory.com/
Type of Review (Quick Review): Quick Reveiw
Date Forum Opened:Wed 2 Feb 2011
Demo Account for reviewer (Supplied by requester): User: DEMO
Password: Demo1234
The demo account will be deleted after the review.
Additional Notes: none

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Your Quick Review

-I really like the category background image, it's a very pretty shade of blue and compliments the banner nicely.

-I like your forum icons, they go well with the rest of the theme, and they look nice in general.

-It's great how each forum has a description.

- Remove the "free forum:" from the forum title. No one needs to know (and 99% don't care) that you're running from a free forum host.

-I think you really need to work on your forum descriptions a bit. All of them are really short (not that them being short is always bad) and don't really provide much information as to what type of content is in the forums.

-Add a favicon to your forum -- when someone bookmarks your forum they may have other Forumotion forums bookmarked, and they may also be using the Forumotion default favicon. Which means that your forum won't stand out against the others that they have bookmarked.

-In every forum except the 'announcements' forum, you have an exclamation point at the end of the forum description. An exclamation point shows high emotion or strong importance or emphasis on what was said -- having an exclamation point can look (for lack of better word) spazzy to some, and well, there should be a difference in the forum descriptions. No one will read the descriptions if all of them look the same. Try using a period or question mark here or there.

-I think that the banner is way too big in height. I would say to make the banner so that the banner stops right after the "people who think outside the box" text stops.

-Get some posts in your forums. Whether by you inviting your friends to your forum, doing post exchanges (unless it's against your ethics), requesting posting packages (unless it's against your ethics), making topics yourself, or whatever -- you need at least two topics in each forum. Oh course your forum won't explode or anything if you don't have at least two topics in each forum, but if you don't have at least two topics in each forum then the forum itself will look less attractive to potential guests. Also, having at least two topics in each forum makes the forum look more active than it really is.

-In regards to the description of the forum "Announcements" - you should add a period to the end of the description and make the 'U' in 'updates' lower case.

13yh2c5.jpgFinal/General Thoughts:

What was most liked about the website/forums:The forum icons
What was disliked most about the website/forums: Lack of content.

Final Score : Score - 1

Some Useful links, here at forum promotion, you may want to look at. All for the better of your forum's activity.

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