Post count?


New Arrival
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
I have made a few posts yet when I checked my username I found the post count to be set to 1 only. Just wondering how this is so!!!

EDIT: Now it's showing 2 for post count. kind'a strange the way posts are counted or it there something I am missing?
Well, the Newbie Forum and Forum Games do not increment your post count if you post in them.
It stops people going down the introduction forum and posting welcome 4 times so it encourages users to post more constructive posts rather then introductions and forum games.
Many forums do this as a precaution for spam... if it doesn't give you post count, there's little to no incentive to post in those forums, thus giving you more incentive to post more productively. While I don't use that concept, it seems to work for more forums.
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