-|- Rock 1 Forum -|-


Seasoned Veteran
May 13, 2007
Reaction score
Site Name Rock 1 Forum
Site URL http://rock1.15.forumer.com
Description Hey all! Check out this amazing forum or mine.

Rock 1 Forum

It has only been around for 5 months but there has been 14,000+ posts and 290+ members! It is awesome!

We get from 50 - 500 posts a day and are continually getting more members.

There is unique skin with a nice banner to match.

Also, you should see the amazing features we have here! There is almost every great feature you can have.

These include: Games Arcade, Awards, Portal Page, Message Boards, Advanced Stats, User of the Day, Advanced Quick Reply Boxes, more fonts, sizes, colors and many amazing added features!

I doubt you will get these anywhere else! You won't believe your eyes. There will be something for you. There is a range of everything! I mean that seriously!

I forgot to mention the 5 star service of our admin and moderators. They are always around to help you! This has to be more than amazing right?

While you are there, check out the many things this forum has to offer. Amoung them are:

- A huge range of cool smilies.

- Amazing advertising deals. We have a lot of visitors so if you advertise with us your site will be well viewed.

- Need some GFX or Skins made? Here is the place.

- A new coding section. There are some great codes and you can also get support. Very soon you will be able to request them too. 🙂

- A new teen section for all of the 'teens' to hangout. 🙂

- Our Coding classes are starting. Our professional coders will teach html, javascript, css and more.

Trust me, you will be amazed!

I can't wait to see you there.

Rock 1 Forum

Please note: Staff positions are avaliable.
Name on the Board KMRock
Additional Comments* We have staff positions open!
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