Site Hosting - Trying out as a "beta" or "pre-launch"


Seasoned Veteran
Apr 18, 2007
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Site Name Site Hosting
Site URL
Description A forum where you can ask questions and talk about web/forum hosts, coding and skin questions, and even (when I get the members) advertise your site/forum
Your Name on the Board netsavy006

Trying this forum out. Let's see how it goes.

Board Type:
IPB v. 1.3 final Jcink Hosted Edition.
I would add more forum descriptions.
Yea, so true. I'm gonna need some staff which I will be asking for in the staff area. I need many who knows how to use IPB as I don't know a lot about it and wanting to learn.
Well I know quite a lot about IPB v.3 but I have lots of things to do, otherwise i would have helped you.
Just so you know, the skin is not mine, it's a pre-built skin. It lists the maker at the bottom of the index page.

I'm not sure I'll keep it but I'd be glad to give it to someone who may want it.
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