The Official XBL/PSN/Wii/Steam Thread

Re: The Official XBL/SEN/Wii/Xfire/Steam/Nintendo Code Threa

XBL: Arurie
PSN: Arurie
Steam: Airuri (someone stole my name +_+)
Re: The Official XBL/SEN/Wii/Xfire/Steam/Nintendo Code Threa

I should post to get my Steam name added, haha.

I'm Fellykins on Steam; you're welcome to add me if you'd like, I don't care. I'll probably add you regardless, but you should mention you're from Forum Promotion if you do. :3
Re: The Official XBL/SEN/Wii/Xfire/Steam/Nintendo Code Threa

Steam: shreddedbullet
Xbox Live: shreddedbullet (I don't use Xbox Live very much anymore, as I am more of a PC gamer now)
Add me on Steam! 😀
Add me up guys!

Steam: prumand (Kalipsan)
Xbox: Elite Aerostar

I'm always up to play many of the games in my library!
You guys can add me on Steam if you'd like too. I'm mostly a PC gamer nowadays. 😛

You can find me on Xbox One as RightfullyDead

Please send me a message so I know you are from FP and from what username.
Well... this will be interesting for you all.

Steam: Hidden308
PSN: Hidden308
XBL: Hidden308

Yah... Well feel free to add me on any of the 3. Just make sure to let me know who you are.
My steam handle is Platipoo.
If anybody add me, please tell me who you are & that you're from this forum :3
Here are my following gamertags:

Xbox Live: iShawieKill
PSN: ShawieKill

Feel free to add me but tell me who you are and that you're from FP so I don't ignore you. 😉
My 3DS friend code is 1418-7051-0140. My Nintendo Network ID is Mikaya06. If you add me, please notify me through Profile message. 😛
My PSN is: xR3V3R13x

Feel free to add me, but I might ask who you are lol.
PSN: TellerMorrow34

I have a PS4 currently and in early November I'll be adding an Xbox 1 as well. When I do I'll add my Xbox 1 name as well to here. Thanks.
Xbox Live: CaptainTrigga
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