The Official XBL/PSN/Wii/Steam Thread

Gray said:
Bought an xbox today, so feel free to add me on that platform as well; LokyrGray. 🙂
Nice! 😀 xBox One?
My 3ds fc: 4356 - 3668 - 1106

PSN ID: ShinkuRyu1

Pm me if you add me and would like me to add you too.
Reply with your gaming handles so other Forum Promotioners can add you! 🙂

Feel free to share Xbox Live, Playstation Network, Wii, Steam, or other usernames!

My PSN is TypicalZero13
Catch me on Overwatch, ESO or Borderlands: The Handsome Collection
Steam: Mistral
Ps4: xR3V3R13x
Xbox one: xR3V3R13x

Feel free to add. Been on the xbox one more lately. 🙂
PSN: LuciferMsGG

Origin of name: Lucifer Ms (Morningstar) GG (Good Game).

Add me!
Steam: TriggaHappy or lordkino
Discord: Kino#2974
Xbox: CaptainTrigga
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