The Opium Shack [done]

Number of Members: 7/10 You have a lot of members but there are many boards with more.

Number of Active Members: 6/10 - Just had a quick look through the member-list and most members have posted more the once and there is some active members but many have never or posted once and never returned or posted.

Number of Posts (spam or otherwise): 8/10 A lot of posts although there is a lot (over 2500) posts in the spam/ games section but it is still very good.

Appearance (first impressions): 7/10 - Nice looking although your button for the register now forum isn't showing.

Layout: - 9/10 - Not many forums so it it does not take ages to go from the top to the bottom and the are nicely in categories and not in too many categories either.

Moderation: 5/10 From what i can see you are the only admin and you only have 1 mod which has posted 4 times so really you are the only staff member and you should be looking for more staff at a board that size.

Activity: Not going to give a rating. It seems quite active at the moment but in the forums that i looked at the is a massive drop in the dates like from may to December!!! So i am not sure if your forum has been closed or if it has died but came back to life.

Overall mark (out of 100): 73/100 Could do with some more staff and try to get your members a bit more active.

Thanks for adding our button 🙂
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