I Need a graphic


Up-and-Coming Sensation
Feb 12, 2019
Reaction score
Bloom Bucks. A currency for a forum
I need a buck with a flower growing in the middle of it to signify bloom.
Then I need the same thing, but added to it, to empathize with these awards ...
Members who have accumulated 10,000 Bloom Bucks at once
Members who have accumulated 20,000 Bloom Bucks at once
Members who have accumulated 35,000 Bloom Bucks at once
Members who have accumulated 50,000 Bloom Bucks at once
Members who have accumulated 100,000 Bloom Bucks at once
Members who have accumulated 500,000 Bloom Bucks at once
Members who have accumulated 1,00,000 Bloom Bucks at once
I will pay with FP. List your price.
Like this?

Yes, that is exactly what I had in mind.
Thank you.
That was fast.
If you would not mind continuing with.
Members who have accumulated 10,000 Bloom Bucks at once
Members who have accumulated 20,000 Bloom Bucks at once
Members who have accumulated 35,000 Bloom Bucks at once
Members who have accumulated 50,000 Bloom Bucks at once
Members who have accumulated 100,000 Bloom Bucks at once
Members who have accumulated 500,000 Bloom Bucks at once
Members who have accumulated 1,00,000 Bloom Bucks at once
These are awards given now.. If you could show a pile stacking up and rising, if that makes sense.
Thank you again.
Not sure what you mean

you need 7 more variants?
The seven variants will be used for awards.
So if you could do more graphics symbolizing each award
Members who have accumulated 10,000 Bloom Bucks at once
For instance show that the stack of bloom bucks is more
Members who have accumulated 20,000 Bloom Bucks at once
Now the stack is even higher.
Understood. That's too much work. Unfortunately, can't do them FP$.
I'm assuming you're saying you're not willing to do them for the price of FP.
If that is what you mean, I understand.
Just want to make sure I have that right.
Sure, not an issue.

Just that you understand, what you are asking is a complex posture. It takes time to do it one by one. That's all, nothing else.
Sure, not an issue.

Just that you understand, what you are asking is a complex posture. It takes time to do it one by one. That's all, nothing else.
I understand that.
Thank you for the graphic you created. I do appreciate it. 🙂
Are you still looking for someone to complete the full set for you @AltairX? What is your FP$ budget for this?
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