Media Planet Logo

So basically if you were to be part of the graphics team here we would just need to get you really stoned.

You got that @PGen98 @Noble
I dont really have the time to join a team really. I do this stuff only in my spare time. I do work alot as a restaurant manager/chef. I come on these forums, not just FP and if i see requests and i feel some inspiration i will fulfil requests.
I dont really have the time to join a team really. I do this stuff only in my spare time. I do work alot as a restaurant manager/chef. I come on these forums, not just FP and if i see requests and i feel some inspiration i will fulfil requests.
So the next request I can make is for my breakfast tomorrow 😛
Gordon Ramsey Idiot GIF
hahaha im not as bad as Ramsey, but i can get loud in the kitchen
Would you be able to do one with just the 'Media Planet' for the logo on mobiles? @iMage

Thanks 🙂
hahah noooooo, i live walking distance from work. I just got home and only a little bit drunk, and very very stoned lol. Just made a poster for next weeks music night at work. Maybe i will work on this logo now if i get some inspiration on something cool.
Well, that's good then 😉
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