Ask PGen98

Do you prefer white or milk chocolate?
Milk, though white is delicious! I don't listen to those who say it isn't chocolate lol
If you could only speak in song lyrics, which song would you choose?
Oh that's tough. Ozzy's "Lay Your World on Me"
You have died and won the reincarnation lottery; you can come back as anything you choose, what would you come back as?
You have died and won the reincarnation lottery; you can come back as anything you choose, what would you come back as?
My real self. I'd love a shot at life as my real self.
What's something you were taught growing up that turned out to be completely wrong in adulthood?
What's something you were taught growing up that turned out to be completely wrong in adulthood?
My parents were more "old school" than most, so a lot of their worldviews are radically dated. Most of what they taught socially doesn't apply.
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