Yeah both Marvel and DC are taking a hit. Marvel may be safe because RDJ is coming back as a villain this time but it'll be interesting to see how DC comes back from the backlash it's had over the last few years.I read today that Hollywood is hoping this film will reverse its decent into obscurity. From what I've seen and read I highly doubt that it will. 'Krypto the Superdog', really?
If the movie industry wants to survive it needs to start taking risks again. It needs to except that Marvel has been done to death and start looking for scripts that offer something new and unexpected.
Me neither. DC just doesn't hit me the way Marvel does.Eh, didn't really hook me when I watched it earlier.
Me neither. DC just doesn't hit me the way Marvel does.
I can’t say this film fills me with any level of excitement! It’s sort of been done to death now and we really could do with something new and fresh?
I'm just done with them overall. That whole thing with Ezra Miller was the last straw.Not surprising, especially given the fact they can't keep things straight. Which... Pretty much like the comics with the reboots every 5 to 10 years.
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